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The heart is an important organ. It’s the primary organ of the circulatory system. It pumps blood through a network of arteries, veins, and capillaries to provide oxygen and nutrients to other body organs and tissues. Their hearts need oxygen-rich blood pumped around their bodies for their hearts to function properly. Heart exercises increase their heart output by increasing the heart’s pumping ability. Here are the most beneficial exercises for heart health.


Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise is the best form of heart exercise. It helps strengthen the heart muscle and increases stamina and endurance. When it comes to aerobic exercises, running, swimming, and cycling are recommended activities to perform regularly. It’s important to ensure their blood pressure is within “normal” ranges before engaging in aerobic exercises. People with high blood pressure should avoid risky activities such as cliff diving or heavy lifting.

Aerobics also increases the heart rate and improves heart rate variability. Cardiac arrhythmia is also reduced in people who engage in regular aerobic exercises.


Resistance Exercise

Resistance exercise is another form of heart exercise that can be done to build muscle strength, improve balance, and increase overall physical health. There are a variety of resistance exercises that can be performed to strengthen their muscles while improving their cardiovascular health. This exercise helps build muscle mass and reduces the risk for chronic conditions such as heart failure and osteoporosis. It’s important to properly warm-up before engaging in resistance exercises to minimize the risk of injuries.

Also, “too much of a good thing” can be a problem for their heart. When they increase the intensity of their resistance exercise, they’ll have to increase the intensity of their cardio exercise. If they choose to increase their cardio workouts simultaneously by adding resistance training, it may imbalance their heart’s workload and put excessive stress on their heart muscle.


Stretching, Flexibility, and Balance

Stretching is a form of heart exercise that is often overlooked, but it’s a great way to improve flexibility and balance. Static stretches are recommended, such as holding a stretch for 10 seconds and then resting for 20 seconds before repeating the stretch. They should never bounce or force the stretches, so proper form and technique are required for safe stretching.

Balance training is another heart exercise that can help reduce their risks of falling and injuring themselves. It also helps them maintain an independent lifestyle as they age.


Many different types of heart exercises can improve their overall health. It’s important to choose the right type of heart exercise to help them maintain a healthy heart while avoiding the risk of future illness.